Out To Lunch Friday Playlist
Today out to lunch, a small playlist stew confusing international sources and destinations.
First, thanks to Hugues Aufray, we learn that if you translate Roger Miller's "Do-Wacka-Do" into French, it sounds like "Dou Wakadou". It's like those French have got a different word for everything, as one wise observer once said [rhapsody.com].
Then, we go through the looking glass and learn that several decades before a bunch of American hippies flipped it around, the Alabama Song/Whiskey Bar [wikipedia] was part of a German opera, but sung with English lyrics by prostitutes seeking whiskey, boys, and dollars.
Lastly, it turns out that My Way was originally a French song about something else entirely before Paul Anka bought it, made up his own lyrics, and peddled it to Frank Sinatra. And between that and a bunch of Swedish weirdos [rhapsody.com] desecrating Cotton Eye Joe, Yankees games would never be the same.
Yes, it took a while, but we finally worked things around to the first spring weekend featuring a scrimmage between the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox (a team with questionable musical predilections [wpri.com] of their own).
Happy Friday, everybody!
Out To Lunch Friday Playlist [Rhapsody Online Version]
Out To Lunch Friday Playlist [Rhapsody Player Software Version]
Dou Wakadou - Hugues Aufray
Alabama Song - Lotte Lenya/North Germany Radio Chorus
Comme D'Habitude - Claude François
Monday Morning Addendum: What the Hell was I on? Of course, it's "New York, New York" that regularly emanates from the Yankee Stadium PA, not "My Way". But why let the facts get in the way of blogometric post symmetry?
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