Borrowed Best of 2005 Playlist

Here's part two of the Ribaldry & Schmaltz year-end tunefest retrospecticus. Today on offer is a playlist of my favorite songs suggested by other Rhapsody blogonauts that I never would have heard otherwise in 2005.
Thanks for the tips, you delightful people. And thanks for all the effort put into spreading the Rhapsody playlist love in 2005. You're a great crowd with diverse tastes and endless creativity with the Rhapsody playlist format.
When Captain Glaser brags to the press about the Rhapsody subscribers who listen to more than 200 songs total and more than 100 unique songs every week, it's nice to know exactly who a good number of those people are.
A couple of these songs, bands, or albums were rightfully posted by many folks this year. In those cases I credited the one that got in my ears first...
Borrowed Best of 2005 Playlist
01 Fatbackin' - The Fatback Band (Drake)
02 Lame To Be - Papas Fritas (mrgrooves)
03 Black Flamingos - Modey Lemon (covalent Bond)
04 Sponsorships - Les Georges Leningrad (Drake)
05 Making Plans For Nigel - Nouvelle Vague (Amanda)
06 A Parasitic Love Song - Dr. Chordate (Robert)
07 Miedo De Pederia - Steve Jordan (Drake)
08 Maria - Ali Ryerson/Broadway (Pantagruel)
09 Slip Sliding Away - The Persuasions (Musicrocker Mark)
10 Spring 2008 - Architecture in Helsinki (Amanda)
11 People Make The World Go Round - The Pharoahs (Covalent Bond)
Of note, Drake's scoop on the new Robert Pollard solo album From A Compound Eye would've led this list. It certainly spent the most time in the rotation here at R&S Labs. It's been pulled from active Rhapsody status, but hopefully will be back after the album's official release in January 2006.
P.S. For a bonus, I'm throwing in an award for Best Album Review I saw in Rhapsody all year. And the winner is: Mike McGuirk for his priceless review of Feelings by Roger Whittaker...
"Such songs as 'Feelings' and 'Send in the Clowns' were tailor made for this ultra-smooth and much-loved crooner's bearded vocals. Whittaker is a master interpreter, but perhaps more than any other performer people listen to him for his supernaturally gentle voice. Also it's fun to wonder who would win in a knife fight: Roger Whittaker or pan-flute mogul Zamfir."