Barry Sisters Yiddish Swing Sampler

Considering that half our institutional title is Yiddish for "mushy cooking fat", I feel like a complete shmendrick for being ignorant of the Yiddish Swing movement until this week. Luckily, I stumbled across the Barry Sisters "Their Greatest Yiddish Hits" on the Rhapsody Just Added list recently, and things are getting better. Claire and Merna have taken me to their ample bosoms and filled me in on everything I missed by being born a couple decades too late and not Jewish.
Big, vibrant harmonies and impeccable dance floor-filling swing. Perfect stuff for the throw-the-windows-open weather we're having this week. Here's a sampler of a playlist for you. For the curious, there's an illuminating story on the heyday of Yiddish Swing on the NPR audio archives containing some recollections from Claire Barry herself.
Barry Sisters Sampler Playlist
Bublitchki Bagelach
Vyoch Tyoch Tyoch
Zug Es Meir Noch Amool
Dem Neyem Sher
Fargess Mich Nit