Out To Lunch Friday Playlist

Here's a couple things I have absolutely no ability to comment on with any knowledge: Broadway and fine piano playing. Nevertheless.
A few previously absent Sondheim shows came into Rhapsody a couple weeks ago, and I once saw my cousin rock the role of one of the princes in Into The Woods, so why not get those songs stuck in my head for another week?
Then, there was an article in the Sunday paper about this gentleman Pierre-Laurent Aimard last week [Boston Globe - attempts pop-ups]. I pulled him up in the old Rhapsody, and this one song had me out of my seat banging my head like it was the Ace of Spades. And it's some of the tamer stuff he's into.
So Happy Friday.
Out To Lunch Friday Playlist
Agony (Reprise) (From "Into the Woods") - Chuck Wagner, Paul Gemignani, Robert Westenberg
Beethoven: Piano Sonata No.23 in F Minor - Pierre-Laurent Aimard