Jay Berliner, Guitar: Take 2
Part the second in an ongoing foray into the Rhapsody-available highlights of the musical contributions of guitarist Jay Berliner. And why not?
Mister Berliner appears on several albums by legendary jazz composer and bassist Charles Mingus.
I listened for his guitar on Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus and on The Black Saint and The Sinner Lady, and by far his finest detectable contribution is on track 4 of the latter record.
Even on an album not known for its clear, pithy song titles, this one stands out:
Medley: Mode D-Trio And Group Dancers: Stop! Look! And Sing Songs Of Revolutions/ Mode E-Single Solos And Group Dance/ Mode F-Group And Solo Dance
I don't think any earthly Web site database administrator has accounted for a track title of such heft. It took me half an hour to find the complete song title (on the excellent Impulse Records Web site).
It's a meaty track, and Mister Berliner's trademark Spanish-flavored guitar playing is in fine display.
Charles Mingus - "Medley: Mode D-Trio And Group Dancers: Stop! Look! And Sing Songs Of Revolutions/ Mode E-Single Solos And Group Dance/ Mode F-Group And Solo Dance"